DP | Chapter 2

The hunter’s response was as I expected, “It’s a humble and unremarkable place, my Lord.” He seemed unsure of what to do but couldn’t bring himself to refuse. "I hold no expectations. Just refrain from being a nuisance. If Sir Flan arrives, inform me." "Yes, yes...." "Leave." With those words, Nenson made a cautious retreat.…

DP | Chapter 1 – Regression

"Ughhh...." A strange heaviness weighed down my body. But it was fleeting. Whaack! I jerked upright as a thought flashed through my head. "...Where am I?" "You're awake." Startled, I turned my head quickly to find a middle-aged man in shabby attire staring at me. "...And who are you?" "I saw you lying in the…

DP | Prologue

No pure-blooded human is allowed to have a status higher than 3rd Class. - The Interspecies Alliance My limitation as a human being. Warlocks are the root of all evil. - Pope Corcols II Warlocks who are not sponsored by nobles or belong to a mercenary guild are not protected as a rule. The Six…